Wednesday, April 11, 2012

NOTD: "Cloud" Manicure & Ramblings

Okay. So I think the term "Cloud Manicure" only really applies to a certain colour scheme and certain way to hold your hand. Therefore, I think the name is stupid. But whatever. This is mine. The colour scheme has been done to death, but this was my first attempt and I'm pretty satisfied.

I used:

  • Seche Base
  • O.P.I Red
  • O.P.I Positive Energy
  • Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear "Black Out"
  • O.P.I Drying Drops
  • ORLY "Won't Chip" topcoat

Now for the rambling!

I did it again, dear readers. I've been trying to look the other way and save face for someone for a very long time. My thought was that if it looked like I was by their side they'd have some credibility as a decent human being and maybe their friends would come back to them, eventually they'd see their kids again, and they could have some sort of normalcy. I sacrificed my own happiness for this. I always do. Annnd they burned me again. I was actually thinking for a second that maybe things could turn around for this person. I was seeing truthfulness for the first time. Even when it was ugly... and it was incredibly ugly. But I appreciated their honesty and the effort they were putting into keeping me in the loop, knowing full well I would be upset most of the time. I've been adamantly against what they do, and I've even tried to be supportive and take the "harm reduction stance." No matter what I do, this person is destined to suck the life out of everyone close to them.Oh well.

I'm rarely serious, and I don't like it. Here are some pictures of Chloe's little paws from the other day!

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Thanks darling <3